What You Want
Durham, NC
Scranton, PA
This collaborative work by A+A Dance Company shows two young people learning by trial and error how to author their lives against the scores others have created for them. The work’s structure matches its theme, as Alyssa Noble and Allie Pfeffer created two overlapping solos for each other, but left each other room to make new decisions on stage. How do we live our own lives in the midst of others’ expectations and advice? Tough yet vulnerable, Noble and Pfeffer work through hard lessons, disappointments, and a little bit of Twister on their way to making a choice for real.
Solo from Wear
Excerpt from What You Want, an evening-length, collaborative work by Alyssa Noble and Allie Pfeffer
Choreography: Alyssa Noble
Performance: Allie Pfeffer
Music: Michael Wall - www.soundFORMovement.com
Excerpt from "What You Want" - Solo from Wear